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Today we remember and celebrate the emancipation of the very last of the enslaved African Americans in the confederacy...two and a half years AFTER Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Some say the delay was due to suppressed information. Some say the delay was due to the murder of messengers attempting to deliver the news. Some say the delay was deliberate in an effort to harvest one more cotton crop. Regardless of the reason for that delay, some people thought that the humanity of Black people could wait. These thoughts have persisted into the year 2020. Gotham students understand that humanity cannot wait. They have demonstrated their commitment to awareness action, and they have challenged our community to make the push for change an explicit part of our school’s mission. We accept that challenge today, and every day moving forward. Happy Juneteenth! @cmlauriecumbo @bpericadams @doechancellor @nycmayor @nycmayorsoffice @affinitynycdoe ❤️🖤💚

"How can Black and Brown scholars, and culture changers, use digital media as a tool to identify and defeat injustice while informing future generations about systems and structures that have been designed to actively oppress or passively fail Black communities?" Gotham's student artists will lend their voices and their talents to the fight for an end to police brutality and the collective recommitment to anti-racist work in schools and beyond. They've spent the last two weeks learning from one another and from experts in various fields. They've committed to intergenerational dialogue, and are ready to speak out - honoring those lives taken from us and raising awareness. Join them as they present alongside other activists, working artists and educators. ———>RSVP (link in profile) to receive the zoom link. #georgefloyd #blacklivesmatter #breonnataylor @cmlauriecumbo @bpericadams @nycschools @affinitynycdoe @hermeticfamilyfoundation @cityharvestnyc @whitneymuseum @brooklynmuseum @massmoca @eta_artsed

Posted @withregram • @ginnykollak CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS - PLEASE READ
Friends: Some of you know that since September I have been teaching art, art criticism, and curatorial studies at @gothamproartsbk, a Title 1 public high school in NYC. This is a spring that has already asked for an incredible amount of resilience, adaptability, perseverance, and strength from our students. And now, this. .
Gotham students are fully aware that the racist systems that underpin American society are not “broken,” they are working exactly as designed. But they can imagine other realities, and we owe it to them to do all we can to support those visions of a better future. .
Shian is a brilliant young woman and freshman at Gotham. She posted the idea above in the chat during our daily class meeting on Zoom yesterday. Our community has galvanized around this call to action; over the next 9 days our curriculum will take shape as discussions and workshops to plan for a virtual public protest. You are all invited to join us for that event (details to come). .
Over the coming days we will also be holding rituals of remembrance for men and women who have lost their lives due to vigilantism and police brutality, including, just in these last few weeks, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and George Floyd. We would like to ask you to contribute to these rituals— DM me to share your drawings, poems, prayers, rants, cries, songs, or any other cathartic expressions. We will find a way to incorporate them into our actions. .
With love, always.
#BLM #blacklivesmatter #justiceforgeorge #georgefloyd #whitesilenceisdeadly #icantbreathe #ijustwannalive

“I can’t breathe!”
Gotham stands with the family of George Floyd. Gotham stands with the families of all of those who have lost their lives at the hands of police who abuse their power. Join us now and on June 12th as we take action against racism in America. ——————————————Please stay safe. Find ways to speak out without risking exposure to health risks. Check on your friends and loved ones, and let them know that they aren’t alone in this. ————————————————- Over the next few days, Gotham’s students and faculty will be reaching out to experts and leaders in their fields for intellectual and emotional support as we call for change in our nation. We thank you in advance for taking part in this anti-racist work.

Soldier (verb) -to carry on doggedly; to persevere...On Memorial Day Gotham celebrates not only those who have passed away soldiering on in fields of battle for this country, but those members of our community from all over the world who have lost their lives soldiering on amidst various crises. Gotham students and faculty have lost too many parents and family members to the Covid-19 virus. We hope the worst is behind us. We pray for all of those directly impacted. We wish health and prosperity. Hope you are well on this Memorial Day. ❤️❤️❤️