Our Mission
At Gotham Professional Arts Academy we:
Recognize that our world is ever-changing, and commit to empowering students to be able to navigate and design our world as scholars, artists, global citizens and activists.
Keep art and culture at the center of our curriculum.
Provide rigorous inquiry-based instruction that prepares students to succeed within and beyond our institution.
Commit to the exploration and preservation of humanity through questioning, empathy, social justice and restorative practices.
Support and nurture the whole child academically and socio-emotionally through the inclusion of family and community-based partnerships.
“Gotham has been an integral part of my growth, and that of my community. It has helped me find and hone my voice as an individual. It has helped us develop a powerful voice as a collective.”
What We've Achieved
92% of Gotham’s 2017 graduates enrolled in college and completed their freshman year.
Our College Acceptance List include NYU, Morgan State, Brooklyn College and Baruch College. The already long list grows each year!
We've developed a three-track arts program where all students are exposed to each of our arts divisions in the ninth grade, and then choose one track to pursue over the course of the remaining three years of high school.